Safety Issues

Despite the organizers taking all reasonable precautions unavoidable accidents can happen. In respect of these you are present at your own risk.

• Stand on the track
• Stand below the level of the track
• Stand in front of arrows or signs
• Stand in Prohibited Areas
• Stand or sit on or near log piles, walls or fences
• Sit close to the edge of the track
• Block escape routes
• Be distracted
• Play games with your safety or that of the drivers
• Remove Stage signs or arrows
• Be the one to stop the Stage
• Expect the unexpected
• Listen for approaching cars
• Remain alert
• Leave yourself room to move quickly
• Try to keep behind something solid
• Keep children under supervision
• Keep dogs on a lead
• Do as the Marshals ask
• Help the Marshals to run a safe Stage
• The unexpected can happen
• If you ignore Marshals instructions the stage will be stopped
• Yourself
• Others around you
• This Stage
• Rallying
• Motor Sport

As always, parking is a problem on the forest’s narrow roads.  Please do not double-park and block these roads. For your safety and the safety of others, all cars must park on the same side of the road.  We must keep one side of the road clear and open for traffic. This is used as an access route for emergency vehicles.